Naturally Moist, Exceptionally Clear For patients seeking all-day comfort and clarity in a monthly replacement modality. •Naturally moist, biocompatible, group 2 material - hioxifilcon D •Made from high purity Benz G-Material with extreme hydrophilicity •Retains 97% original water content all-day long All-day Visual Clarity, Second to None: •GMA copolymer provides outstanding optical properties and improved low contrast sensitivity for better night vision •Dimensionally stable polymer = excellent on-eye stability Best Fit Possible - 3 Base Curve Options •Better Fit = Better: Comfort, Vision, Health Reduced Risk of Complications •Non-ionic material resists deposits resulting in fewer complications from GPC and other deposit related conditions •6x less risk of microbial keratitis (MK) for daily wear vs. SiHy all adds up to improved wearability for you!