Hours |
Monday: |
10:00 - 6:00 pm |
Tuesday: |
10:00 - 8:00 pm |
Wednesday: |
9:00 - 1:00 pm |
Thursday: |
10:00 - 8:00 pm |
Friday: |
10:00 - 5:00 pm |
Saturday: |
9:00 - 2:00 pm |
The smartest choice for everyday lenses
• Virtually clear lenses indoors
Clearer with an A/R coating
As dark as most sunglasses •
Fast to activate
Fast to fade back
Block s100% of harmful UV rays
Reduce the effects of glare
Reduce eye fatigue
Improve contrast
•The right tint at the right time
Transitions™ Lenses
change from clear to dark, & block 100% of
harmful UV rays. Our innovative photochromic
technologies have produced an unparalleled lens
performance in nearly every lens design and
material, including shatter-resistant lenses,
bifocals, trifocals, progressives, as well as
standard & high index materials available
today. |
How Transitions Lenses Work
If you wear regular clear lenses, the glare of the sun can cause you
to squint and strain your eyes and make it difficult to see objects
clearly in bright light. Through advanced technology, Transitions
lenses give you the benefits of clear lenses indoors and at night,
plus distinct advantages of sunglasses outdoors - all in the
convenience of one lens.
Transitions lenses are clear indoors and at night but automatically
adjust their level of tint to changing light conditions outdoors.
Thanks to advanced technology, they quickly darken when you go
outdoors. Step back inside and they quickly fade back to clear. They
provide visual comfort and quality at any and every moment, helping
you to see better today. And just like sunblock protects your skin,
Transitions lenses help preserve the health and wellness of your
eyes for the future by blocking 100% of harmful UV rays, so you can
see better tomorrow too.
Transitions lenses contain patented photochromic dyes which cause
the lens to activate - or darken - when exposed to ultraviolet (UV)
rays from sunlight. When the UV light diminishes, the lenses fade
back to clear. As outdoor light conditions change, the level of
darkness adjusts, creating just the right level of tint and allowing
just the right amount of light to enter the eyes at any given time.
This action allows Transitions lenses to help protect your eyes from
the light you can see - reducing glare, diminishing eye strain and
fatigue and enabling you to distinguish contrast more easily.
For the light you can't see - ultraviolet light - Transitions lenses
can help protect your eyes for long-term preservation of healthy
sight. It's important to remember that, no matter how light or dark
they appear to be, Transitions lenses are always blocking 100% of
eye-damaging UVA and UVB rays. In other words, Transitions lenses
provide automatic protection from UV rays in any environment,
continually protecting your eyes from the light you can't see while
you enjoy comfort and vision quality in the light that you can see. |
Performance you'll appreciate but may not notice.
Transitions lenses begin to darken the instant they are exposed to
UV light. The greater the intensity of the UV rays, the darker the
lenses become. The moment UV rays are no longer present the lenses
immediately begin to fade back to their clear state. Most wearers
report that the adjustment happens so quickly and smoothly, they are
unaware of it. But they remain aware of the visual comfort the
lenses continue to provide in any light.
Clear indoors. Clearly better everywhere.
Transitions lenses are not just as good as clear lenses, they're
clearly better. Transitions lenses are as clear as regular clear
lenses indoors and at night and as dark as most sunglasses
outdoors in bright sunlight. Transitions lenses block 100% of
eye-damaging UVA and UVB rays and reduce discomforting and disabling
glare, providing convenient, automatic protection whether it's
bright and sunny, cloudy, or in between. Unlike regular clear
lenses, Transitions lenses adjust quickly as light conditions change
to provide the appropriate level of darkness and protection.
Protection is always in style.
Transitions lenses are compatible with virtually all frame styles,
including the latest fashion frames. And they're available in most
types of lens materials and designs from plastic to
shatter-resistant materials like polycarbonate and Trivex®
materials, and from single-vision lenses to bifocals, multi-focals
and progressive lenses. With the help of your eyecare professional,
you're sure to find the Transitions lenses that provide the everyday
convenient protection, visual quality and visual comfort you are
looking for.
A string of very important "firsts".
Transitions lenses are the first lenses to earn the American
Optometric Association (AOA) Seal of Acceptance for UV
Absorbers/Blockers and the first to receive the World Council of
Optometry (WCO) Global Seal of Acceptance for Ultraviolet Absorbers
and Blockers based on the WCO's scientific testing protocol.
Additionally, Transitions lenses meet internationally recognized
standards for UV blockage, including ANSI Z80.3, ISO 8980-3, EN 1836
and AS/NZS 1067. |
Transitions is a registered trademark of Transitions Optical, Inc. |